palma = palm arrojar = to throw palangana = bowl proseguir = to continue apenas = hardly capaz = capable / able sujetar = to hold caldero = cauldron conjuro = spell desagradable = unkind secar = to dry sudor = sweat culpar = to blame ahogar = to drown babosa = slug quizá = maybe / perhaps sido = been fallar = to fail suerte = luck echar = to throw pensamiento = thought (noun) ajustar = to adjust cuenta = calculation bromear = to joke palmada = pat amistoso = friendly barbilla = chin parpadear = to blink debilidad = weakly riesgo = risk huerta = garden calabaza = pumpkin comprobar = to check parecer = to seem ocultar = to hide/conceal según = according to asunto = matter hechizo = spell desaprobación = disapproval regocijo = pleasure / rejoicing lo que = what soslayo = sidelon / "out of the corner of her eye" temblar = to shiver / tremble guiñar = to wink despedir = to say goodbye regresar = to return hipar = to hiccup castigo = punishment frotar = to rub conserje = janitor arquear = to arch ceja = eyebrow abatido = depressed disfrutar = to enjoy oneself pesadilla = nightmare dirigir = to manage / supervise despacho = office / study arrastar = to drag regañadientes = reluctantly sinfín = a great many vela = candle relucir = to twinkle como si = as if despacio = slowly anotar = to make note of derrotado = defeated helar = to freeze ponzoñoso = poisonous hielo = ice asustado = frightened aguzar = to sharpen agarrotar = to stiffen quejarse = to complain quitar = to remove premio = prize mentir = to lie epidemia = epidemic catarro = cold (sickness) arder = to burn gotas = drops bala = bullet adquirir = to acquire tamaño = size tormentosa = stormy faltar = to be missing calado = soaked, drenched salpicado de = dotted with barro = mud desierto = deserted mojado = wet llevar = to take pluma = feather cuello = neck piel = skin a través = across plegar = to fold pesar = sorrow amargura = bitterness bolsillo = pocket pertenecer = to belong to adecuadamente = adequately ahorrar = to save (not lives) cumplir = to comply / meet conseguir = to achieve / obtain maulido = meow estridente = shirll, high-pitched tobillos = ankle esquelético = ankle humor = mood perdido = lost rana = frog mazmorra = dungeon manchar = to mark / get dirty grueso = solid bufanda = scarf tela = material / fabric gotear = to drip huella = footstep lóbrego = gloomy aceite = oil vago = vague olor = smell cadenas = chains esposas = handcuffs lagarto = lizard delito = crime burlón = sardonic, mocking rellenar = to stuff fajo = bundle pergamino = parchment sencillo = simple torpeza = clumsiness rogar = please, listen to me hojear = leaf through, glance at demonio = devil sostener = to hold / support tropezar = to stumble / trip maremoto = tidal wave (figurative) cojear = to limp farfullar = to jabber alterado = upset mejilla = cheek asombrado = amazed estrellar = to crash pedir = to ask for asister = to attend dudar = to doubt gente = respectable, kind presumir = to show off aburrimiento = boredom azotar = to whip / flog butaca = armchair averiguar = to find out suceder = to happen rodeado = surrounded by corro = circle, ring vuelta = circumvolve, turn reñir = to argue enronquecer = to go hoarse murciélago = bat (animal) atravesar = to cross rebosar = to brim with hilera = line, row negro azabache = jet black llama = flame uña = fingernail arañar = to scratch pizarra = blackboard doblar = to fold/bend esquina = corner pasadizo = passage perla = pearl advirtir = to advise harapiento = ragged retroceder = to move back llantina = howling, wailing gusano = worm esponjoso = fluffy moho = mold hediondo = revolting / stinking rumbo = direction, course pudrirse = to rot pobre = poor rechoncho = dumpy, squat lacio = straight basto = coarse enfurruñarse = to sulk fingir = to feign / fake sollozar = to sob receloso = suspicious burlar = to evade / get around lágrima = tear asomar = to show hombro = shoulder feo = ugly oído = ear angustiado = distressed dios míos = my god avisar = to notify cuerno = horn jinete = horseman detener = to stop colgar = to hang carcajada = guffaw estrado = platform, dais difunto = disceased trastabillar = to stumble muro = wall arriba = up / above apoderar = to empower apretar = to push / press tramo = stretch parar = to stop entorrar = to leave ajar heredero = heir resbalar = to slip charco = puddle, pool irrumpir = to burst in bullicio = noise, ruckus traculento = gruesome enrojecer = to redden / blush atraer = to attract empujón = push, shove descolgar = to take down argolla = ring apartar = to move away revuelo = stir pulir = to polish superficie = surface tenso = taut, tight ojeada = glance demás = remaining, rest rondar = to patrol desplomar = to collapse vista = gaze, view ataque = attack proveer = to provide cautela = caution hinchado = swollen incómodo = uncomfortable penumbra = semidarkness adusto = austere, severe rugir = to roar ensanchar = to widen palo = stick curar = to treat / cure ensombrecer = to cloud / shadow señal = sign risita = giggle escenario = stage seguir = to follow merodear = to prowl soler + infinitive = usually ... chiflado = mad / crazy tras = after medir = to measure desenrollar = to unroll estanterías = bookshelves surgir = to rise leyenda = legend campana = bell discutir = to dicuss asignatura = subject apunte = note sopor = drowsiness insólito = unusual alzar = to raise respingo = start (surprise) resbalar = to slip tiza = chalk estupor = astonishment tal = such patraña = tall tale inusitado = unusual armonía = harmony desacuerdo = disagreement ensañanza = teaching digno = confidence tortuga = tortoise arruga = wrinkle fidedigno = reliable, trustworthy sellar = to seal desasosiego = sense of unrest levemente = slightly disparate = nonsense crédulos = gullible airado = angry, irate farto = fed up mito = myth arrepentirse = to be sorry retorcido = twisted, devious abarrotar = to pack limpieza = cleanliness enviar = to send chaval = youngster luchar = to fight marea = tide rehuir = to shy away from la gente = the people rellano = landing fruncir = to gather quienquiera que = whoever tieso = stiff fijar = to fix gatear = to crawl chamuscar = to scorch / singe cristal = glass hilo = thread no soporto = I can't stand osito = bear tema = subject / topic asir = to sieze / grab hold of pomo = knob quemar = to burn aseo = restroom quebrado = broken manchado = stained rayar = to scrach gozne = hinge gemir = to moan / groan agredir = to attack / assault susto = freight acoloradamente = heatedly lección = lesson escoger = to choose emborronar = to smudge sin darse cuenta = wihout realizing it querría = would want atrás = back alardear de algo = to boast about fugaz = fleeting quebrantar = to ruin / break rato = while (noun) decartar = to discount receta = recipe teoría = theory fasidiar = to bother / pester tragar = to swallow pasaje = passage ingenuo = naive negar = to refuse aullar = to howl garganta = throat lastimero = pitiful colmillo = tusk encoger = to shrink amenaza = threat mensual = monthly timbre = bell trozo = piece, bit ligeramente = slightly convencer = to convince retardado = delayed pavo = silly, dumb revés = the back / inside garabatear = to scribble torpe = clumsy, awkward dotar = to equip ligero = light, thin envolvente = sweeping buitre = vulture contener = to contain prueba = test refugiado = refuge rechazar = to reject jucio = judgement estruendosamente = noisily encorvar = to hunch patente = clear, obvious dibujo = drawing distinto = differente implorar = to implore / beg polvo = dust forzar = to force aterrorizar = to terrorize elaborar = to produce incumplir = to breach vacilar = to hesitate enfrentar = to face carrera = race (as in a horse race) vencer = to defeat tripa = intestines apiñar = to cram / crowd pleno = full bochomoso = muggy, sticky ánimo = mood, spirits canalla = rotten, mean coger = to take / catch perecer = to perish presionar = to pressure aclamación = acclaim afición = love, liking abucheo = booing silbido = whistle contrincante = opponent aprovechar = to make good use of desafiante = defiant plomizo = gray, leaden rajada = fail despeiner = to mess up one's hair virar = to turn bruscamente = sharply bumerán = boomerang silbar = to whistle enconar = to inflame agachar = to lower marcar = to mark locura = madness apañar = to rig arreciar = to worsen tirabuzón = corkscrew mareado = sick, queasy vislumbrar = to make out / discern cortina = curtain floritura = frill oreja = ear alcanzar = to catch up with aturdido = stunned punzante = sharp roto = broken ofuscar = to blind desdeñoso = disdainful proferir = to utter desmayar = to faint brillar = to shine agolparse = to crowd tender = to tend mascullar = to mumble yema = yolk guante = glove goma = rubber